Nothing distinguishes a human being from other creatures (including other humans themselves) like memory. Each of us are unique in our experiences and their associated..
Every author gets asked—cornered, perhaps—to say succinctly: What’s your book about? Two ex-cons murder a family of four in Kansas and, after the crime and..
Of Mothers and Daughters: Pedro Almodóvar’s Julieta and Three Alice Munro Short Stories
Pedro Almodóvar’s 20th feature Julieta (2016) stays wholly with its eponymous heroine, played by the vivacious Adriana Ugarte in her younger years and by Emma..
With Extinctions, Tin House Books has published an exceptional novel, smart in so many ways. Josephine Wilson’s writing is superb, the plot refreshingly original, characters..
The central focus in Aruni Kashyap’s collection of short stories titled, His Father’s Disease, revolves around issues like violence against women, parental problems, the subtle..
Spending nights playing with diceGoing out on moonlight nightsKeeping the festive day in honour of springPlucking the sprouts and fruits of the mango treesEating the..
In Carmen even the swishes of the trousers seem orchestrated. No part of the performance is relegated indecorous or immodest. Even the most subterranean components..
Author: Luis Chitarroni Title: From Siluetas/Silhouettes (La Bestia Equilátera, 2012) Language: Spanish (Argentina) Excerpt Length: Approx. 1,300 Words Translator: Allison A. deFreeseRights Holder: Luis Chitarroni,..
Gretchen Comba writes a tribute to William Maxwell and discusses how his pivotal moments take place in insignificant moments that occur after the tragedy.
Literary Shorthand: What Hemingway’s “A Moveable Feast” Can Teach Readers About a Useful Writing Technique
Vincent Larson offers this fun, exploratory literary criticism on Hemingway's work, intended to help writers discover a type of literary notation that they might use in their own work.
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