He usually writes about his routine
rising before 5:00 to weak coffee
scrubbing floors, painting walls
his one hour in the exercise yard,
or a dream from the night before
a fishing trip with his father long dead.
Friday Night, the stillness, the madnessUnder the purplish sky Wear a pink blouse, come to a deserted gardenFireflies might come but you should not expect itFocus..
Informed by Treasure Hunt for Formal Poetry/Properties?
(Blue Light/Sleeper) Present a fact, simple, hard, felt, like a rock, guttural- E.g. #1: heaving, fat-skinned, swamp (Muck Badger) #2: I drink live fire,..
Only now can you walk a roadinto distant country, past a shrinecarved into the face of a mountain,above a forest of alpine green.Abandon this kitchen,..
My neighbors do puzzlesin the common room.They do the fringes firstpiece by piecemulti colored housescastles on mountainsslide into placethose imaginary childhoods,the colors too bright.A little..
December came like a thiefin a black robe,at a fated hour while the Gods slept,and devoured my Dad. January cut me into shards,broke my limbs,crushed..
–Mint Vinetu Bookstore, Vilnius So, Jonas said, you should write a poemabout eating an orange at the counter.It’s a tangerine, I thought,but didn’t tell him...
A bed of pine needles hushesThe air of Autumn Forest.Black shaded river curls overDeep green stones.Space rests.Yonder, a woodpeckerSounds the core of a frosted pineWho..
1. The Derecho brings change spinningfrom its edge, a clock-hand turningfrom a pivot point in the Midwest,reaching Eastern cities in the foreignlanguage of straight wind..