He broke my spine down the middle,folded me between vertebraelike a grocery listand carried me to the mountaintopwhere the ground is too hard to dig...
Born between rivers, you are infinitelycultivated. Sand backwashed from the ocean. Good silt down from the plains. Fermented in Disneyworld bacteria, embryos fasciculate in polluted foam...
I remember the air we lived in;the color of hyper, aqueous thin and glinting lifebut shake the razor globe, upend itand we were jim-jammed, shaky,unfounded,..
Sipping teain front of Sephora,with my husband,the third one. I watch the girls from the cosmetic counterhuddle together, dressed in black smocks,full painted lips, coal-colored..
White lost its virginitywhen I saw throughcherry eyes.The hoar turned to flame,my portrait, a whore.Who are you whogathers the hollyhockin your secret harem,seducing them,petal from..
The body applies order.Count the tiles so your Mother doesn’t die.Vultures ate our lands but couldn’t fly. Kneel, said the fatherSay their names nine times, then..
The music of Johor Bahru is sitar strings plying breezesoff the South China Sea, fanning jasmine and lemongrass across verandas. The music of Johor Bahru ..
uranium rattlesnake whiskeywhatever morris has lying aroundhe loads into his army issue surplus duffelhe tosses into the backseatof his used sedanand lurches across interstate 80away..
Some days are nighthighways left to usto steer the starebetween reflective lines,coffee in one hand, a radioin one ear calling Willie“classic rock.” Say what!?Some days..