Van Gogh stops byIn my garden. Death feels chilly so he wants a morning back on Earth. I told him I admired his iris paintings. He thanked me, didn’t..
Headless martyrs are riding caribou intothe international forest again. Fairies sippingnectar from hyacinths chuckle at this scene. They remember why bushmen lick beehiveswith honey-coated tongues..
draw a bath.with crayons?how does one color water? clear does not do justice,the glisten of droplets on skin.I’ll draw us a bath, you said, and I sawan..
The Sukshma Series is a first-hand account of an educated woman of post-colonial India reflecting on how the social and political set-up of the country defined the status of an Indian woman.
Words leap over words Trounce each other Silence survives. Time runs over time Flatten each other Memory survives. Pages pile over pages Bury each other..
The Sukshma Series is a first-hand account of an educated woman of post-colonial India reflecting on how the social and political set-up of the country defined the status of an Indian woman.
There comes a point for us allwhen more peoplewe know have diedthan still live.You know that in a churchsomewhere a crowdplays Bingo while in anothera..
The Sukshma Series is a first-hand account of an educated woman of post-colonial India reflecting on how the social and political set-up of the country defined the status of an Indian woman.
(Without covering the tedious detailsthat would have to happen beforesuch a provision would be realized),since in my will I made a bequest“to found at Washington,under..
Our last bottle finishedno said my Russian friendthere are always seven drops leftseemed empty to me he holds the bottle up and waitsexactly seven dropsthere..
He was a peddler in a horse-drawn wagon that sank beneath a load of watermelons, canary-yellow corn, bushels of gladiolas and mountains of ruby-red grapes...
The pink dogwood buds pop on green branch.In St. Peters church: beneath the Lucite cross, from his snowy mountain, rajastic in white,Father Conri gives a..
The credits roll and the audience applauds on their feet.The sunset’s colors bid adieu before the night cloaks the earth.The last leaf of autumn floats..
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