Category: Poetry
Ode to working the line
Winking bulbs, screaming vents. You need specialized footwear here.
You need to wash workwear in a separate load due to its villainous
grease.Senior members will ruthlessly remind. You must learn how to resorb the body’s complaints, fashion stout leather insides out
of soft tissue.
Seven Dalit Poets Speak their Mind through their Poems Curated by Dr. Abhijit Khandkar
Dr. Abhijit Khandkar, a dalit poet and doctor by profession curates the works of seven contemporary dalit poets, who speak about various issues that concern their lives and as a result reflect in their writings. To be able to recognise, participate and understand such poetry is going back to the very roots of our culture, our angst and all that encompasses our literature.
As a tribute to the doyen of Indian English Poetry, TBR carries images that were clicked of the poet, as a part of a documentary (The False Start) on his life conceived and directed by Bishweshwar Das.
TBR carries images that were clicked of the poet, as a part of a documentary (The False Start) on his life conceived and directed by Bishweshwar Das.
At Sridhar Srigudda
At Sridhar Srigudda the rain comes once again electricity dies away while lightning flares tomorrow’s my birthday listening to night’s rain
moutainside serenity dissolves time’s cares I’ll be 53 my life’s plan not yet plain I await a Calcutta job my love affairs are merely notes now Bhairavi’s sweet pain my trusty sarangi again prepares