We are stardust—that meanswe carry death in our bones. Our breathblows out a galaxy long gone. Hugging a friend and her seaweed hair,kissing a stranger..
NOW, you should prepare by obtaining the following: I. For giving to a priest: 1 pound rice, ½ pound toor dal, ½ cup red chilies, ¼ cup coriander seeds ..
scab country, this; coagulatedfrom the fall, the bleed; picked apart, flickedso new underneath it won’t match can’t; scarlike bleach on jeans, like knuckle clean through glassbruise can yellow over, recolor;..
I recited Tagore to you at bedtime. Tales of flower buds and fishermen, Boat crossings on an ocean of milk. [You settle in your sleep.] Your earrings..
These daysI only read worksfrom poetsI’m intimate withnot the cigaretteafterwards kindbut morein a crowdedroom kindwhen you readthat pieceabout smokinga cigaretteafterwardslips pursedaround a narrowfilter inhalingnicotineyour bodyabsorbing..
And that’s whyI never see Don Ramon,loaded with carrots and lettuces, walking the roadon the west sideof my little home. Have you ever thoughtof whomyou’d..
Before the flood,New Orleans gave usCrawfish plucked from spicy broth that blistered Our lips pressed silent during the awkward family dinner;Sinking gravestones that made my mother..
Kneel; Verb/ Honoring Colin Kaepernick Suddenly football, the game and gridiron, is a man on his knees.What does a patterned patch of cloth mean, the..
“I’m afraid you will not smokemy meaning…”-John Keats Thursday morning he moved himself out of bedbefore any light broke throughthe already broken shadeand stood in..
In fact, we barely knew your slim thicketof zip codes could be so easily shruggedfrom memory, there wasn’t even a backseat side-eye.We don’t belong to..
The bat carries starson the undersidesof her wings. Her head is the tipof galaxyher body a velvetcometshattering nightwith its jagged arcof flight. Her thumbs &..
Autumn starts when the trees give up drinking.An appointment is madein the ditch of Lake Meadand the hairy hands,tented on mahogany,speak calmly,which can only augur..