Literary Shorthand: What Hemingway’s “A Moveable Feast” Can Teach Readers About a Useful Writing Technique
Vincent Larson offers this fun, exploratory literary criticism on Hemingway's work, intended to help writers discover a type of literary notation that they might use in their own work.
Re-Thinking Thoreau: Between the Lines of His Life and Work
“Re-Thinking Thoreau” is John Roman's attempt to correct the legacy of Thoreau and explores how Henry was able to surmount his “issues' during a time when medical attention and prescription drugs were not available.
The Sukshma Series is a first-hand account of an educated woman of post-colonial India reflecting on how the social and political set-up of the country defined the status of an Indian woman.
All this contradictory newsobviously spewsdigitized perplexities of truth: clattering electrons andcross-eyed geesesparkly and smartly sneezing liberal this, conservative that; flying smack-dabbit into windowstranslucent glass walls..
A rafter in the back woods:five toms and eighteen hens,a remnant of the Pilgrim myththat predicated genocide. Bobbing heads and fanned tails,almost our national bird...
let us go then you and Iwhen the evening has wretchedly passed and diedlike cremations sanctified far gone unstablelet us so through curtained half-perverted sweetsthe..
I mean like this morning.While streaming 24/7.Somebody’s hijab blew off. Tagging the rotunda of intersectionality.Shooting the pier of othering.The quality of the rip unsurpassed. An..
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