The AC/DC Dark -for “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”
In my fully charged battery life youth, my bedroom blazes nightlight electric, my nursery rhyme records spin twilight warped, the gorilla’s cymbals clash a flat..
Translated from Bangla by Md. Ziaul Haque. Freedom, you’re The classic verses of Tagore, timeless lyrics. Freedom, you’re Kazi Nazrul a great man with thick..
Shit poetry went for poetry festivals sponsored by corporates drunk champaign wrote about rain flowers, cherry tree, birds, butterflies, clods, love and sex in the..
They’re selling the projected lightshow pyramid scheme selling the world one way tickets to all tomorrow’s parties they come wrapped in self-reflexive electrical tape hand..
Here is nothing that burns yellow giving the light that raised civilisations and enabled following civilisations to see it happening. Yellow, the colour of..
They were debating what poetry should do best. One says that it should break the shackles of papers strip the oppressive paperback clothing run through..
As a pair of overworn ghungroos, their gentle patter across the linoleum floor. My master’s feet fluttering around the room in circles. The poetry of..
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