Anti-tyger Anti-tyger, burning bright,
In the anti-forests of the anti-night;
What immortal anti-hand or anti-eye
Could frame thy fearful anti-symmetry?
In the rain, eat pistachios
The girl with the red dress, hands me a lily
Secrets of the house—of the blouse—of the bruise
I begin eating them and them and them: flax seeds
We cannot live in mud of melancholy
Like a sticky hot bun, this is all...
The things we do to keep alive:
Whisky, weed, write & lie.
We settle, we deny, we Play-Boy.
We work & sleep & hunt to avoid
the final gasp, life’s last sigh.
I mind the peak cabin with vistas in all directions
need fire humming here and nowhere in particular
while you dip a toe into icy time flow finicking a door
When I see the roots of a tree bleed
through the ground, now I say they are the veins
of my grandmother's hands, spilling upward.
I recall the tender bruises up and down her arms
I knew he’d never kill anything and it wasn’t that
I thought you wanted that deer to get killed but I had suspicion you
did not care either way and that indifference made me more sick but
A soul is already carpeted in the divine and
who is to say sorrow isn’t God?
Who is to say love isn’t prayer?
Who is to say time is always on our side?
When four baby daughters up in the sky drain her anaemic heart,
tears on Granddad’s photo against her riant chest, I crawl on her lap -
My hug means to tell her, yes, she will see them again but please,
not now.
There were car accidents, illness, and war.
Dia de Los Muertos arrived just in time.
I surrendered as the ants overwhelmed me.
Beneath blue skies and papel picado.
Hovering over my body, in a tangled
mess of silver threads going snap, snap,
snap, I realise you were the fibre and tendon,
and glue that held while we ended
and began and ended and began;
but the berries do not know
they grow because they grow
and only know how to grow
in the front circle
in the backyard
up and down the gravel road
all along the fence line
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