Category: Non-Fiction

Fiercely Tender: The Simple Complex World of Michael Ondaatje’s Novels
Shortly afterwards in that novel we encounter a celebration of the body, grime and all, unimpeded by this abstraction called mind. While writing the body might seem not altogether unusual, my point is that you cannot simply assume its naturalness. Language, even fictional language, is so much of a mentally...

Reading Traffic
Her boyfriend, driving the jeep, escaped. V. F Babkov, in his book on road construction and traffic safety does not fail to mention that country roads, in particular–if my memory serves me correctly– when lined with especially tall, thick trees could distract motorists’ horizon, so to speak, lulling them to...

Statues and the Colonised Mind
Statues do many things. They tell or repress a story about the past. They tell us about ourselves. They make us feel uneasy or can inspire. Scenes of sculptural epiphanies and distress, as well as, defiance, acknowledge that engaging with statues is not always easy or enjoyable.

Reflections on Loneliness from a Kitchen Sink
Connections can be found in unexpected spaces, such as greenhouses and the flora they house. Despite knowing about greenhouses and histories of violence behind their creation, I wasn’t prepared for the array of emotions that assailed me when I visited a greenhouse for the first time—inside the Jardins Botaniques in Montreal.

Stalking Annie Dillard
Afterwards, we strolled down the street. Actually, Annie and KK strolled, while I pretended to stroll, trying to inject a measure of insouciance into my knees in the hope that it would work its way upwards. “She is just a person,” I told myself, and turned to her, striving for jauntiness.