Category: Literature

Fiercely Tender: The Simple Complex World of Michael Ondaatje’s Novels
Shortly afterwards in that novel we encounter a celebration of the body, grime and all, unimpeded by this abstraction called mind. While writing the body might seem not altogether unusual, my point is that you cannot simply assume its naturalness. Language, even fictional language, is so much of a mentally...

Book Excerpt from Deccan Queen: Take Two
“Of course he’s not a fool, darling. He’s very clever. He works in a bank. He just likes Khurshed and wanted to show us that he knows about and eats foreign delicacies, and I suppose wanted us to think that it was quite expensive. He was trying to impress us,...

As a tribute to the doyen of Indian English Poetry, TBR carries images that were clicked of the poet, as a part of a documentary (The False Start) on his life conceived and directed by Bishweshwar Das.
TBR carries images that were clicked of the poet, as a part of a documentary (The False Start) on his life conceived and directed by Bishweshwar Das.