The man behind the newspaper (imagine it!) / shifted when her skirt lifted. The black / bear, the bees, deep / in the blueberries. The boy / in green rain boots caught / the leaf. Your terrific postcard—that bloke swinging her / hips high to the harmonica, swindling / p.m. to a.m. My masala and sugar steep between / my thighs. I hear the pocket watch / tick for a few clean minutes. Our bodies like bowls / of water on fire ride / into place, here in the perfect place / to do nothing.

Photo by Kyndall Ramirez on Unsplash

Mary-Catherine Jones

Mary-Catherine Jones' poems have appeared in Berkeley Poetry Review, Poetry International, Ethel, Scapegoat Review, elsewhere, and currently in Liminal Spaces. Photography has been commissioned by Manchester Arts Commision and NHPR, and TedX. Mary-Catherine Jones once sold a photograph from a gallery exhibit, of a cow. She is a mother, wife, classically trained dancer now into hip-hop, and creative director.