There was an old cobbler who lived in a simple town long ago. He was lonely but stayed busy with his work and hobbies.
One day, while on a walk, he met an elderly woman. They had a great conversation. He was fun to be with and she delightful. Everything was perfect.
They started dating after that and went to community events, charity balls, festivals, religious services, restaurants. They became recognizable as a couple.
She couldn’t quite believe how great everything was going for them.
When they reached their one-year anniversary, they decided to take the relationship to the next level.
At the dinner table, as he proposed marriage, the cobbler turned to her and said, “Before we go forward, I must confess that I have a secret.”
She thought, “Here we go.” She knew something bad was ahead.
So, they left the restaurant and went to a nearby giant warehouse on the edge of town. She shivered as they went inside. Once he turned on the lights, to her amazement, she found the place full of marionettes of different sizes and varieties.
What a pleasant surprise!
Instead of being afraid, she embraced the cobbler’s hobby and collection. He even made and repaired many of them.
Being civically engaged, she began encouraging him to offer marionettes to charity events, fund raisers, parties. They began their marriage this way and the practice continued for years. The cobbler worked each day at his regular job and then would spend time at the warehouse.
His wife was busy with her daily activities. She was pleased with her husband’s dedication to his work and his willingness to be involved in the community.
Their lives were blissful.
At the 10-year mark, the couple decided to have a big celebration. The cobbler said to his community-minded wife, “Dear, you have helped me so much. Before we celebrate our wedding milestone, I must say, I have another confession to make before we move forward.”
His wife’s face grew sullen. She a felt a knot in her stomach. “What is it, dear?”
Again, he took her to the warehouse, and this appeared to calm her. “At least, it’s not some infidelity,” she thought.
The cobbler took her past a row of marionettes hanging from cabinets, on tables, on chairs, seemingly on every open space.
In a far corner was an office door. He opened it and invited her to go inside. And there, she saw his most prized work on vibrant display.
“The marionettes have a human collection, dear,” he said as he shut the door.
Photo by Anita Jankovic on Unsplash