A Universe Teeming with Life

And you’re sitting in a booth by yourself
at a Taqueria on Titan. Maw
stuffed with tripas, lengua,
and chorizo. You drown
each taco in a habanero
sauce that alarming shade
of orange exclusively
reserved for traffic
cones and flotation
devices. You hope
the capsaicin will
trigger a flood
of endorphins to quell
the swill and stir of your
subterranean hunger.

You stare out at the sea
of methane. Your straw
rattles against ruby
plastic as you slurp
the last of your Coke.

The waitress brings another.

                                                  The sky is impenetrable.

Photo by Simeon Muller on Unsplash

Jarek Jarvis

Jarek Jarvis (he/him) is an emerging Hoosier poet. He holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Western Kentucky University. He lives in Central Indiana where he teaches English to high schoolers. His poems have appeared in Washington Square Review, Corvus Review, Wyldcraft Literary Journal, and Caustic Frolic.