Physicists at CERN, the Swiss particle physics laboratory,
have created anti-atoms made of matter’s opposite, anti-matter.

Anti-tyger Anti-tyger, burning bright,
In the anti-forests of the anti-night;
What immortal anti-hand or anti-eye
Could frame thy fearful anti-symmetry?

In what distant anti-deeps or anti-skies,
Burnt the anti-fire of thine anti-eyes?
On what anti-wings dare anti-he aspire?
What the anti-hand, dare seize the anti-fire?

And what anti-shoulder, & what anti-art,
Could twist the anti-sinews of thy anti-heart?
And when thy anti-heart began to beat,
What dread anti-hand? & what dread anti-feet?

What the anti-hammer? what the anti-chain,
In what anti-furnace was thy anti-brain?
What the anti-anvil? What dread anti-grasp,
Dare its deadly anti-terrors clasp?

When the anti-stars threw down their anti-spears
And water’d anti-heaven with their anti-tears:
Did anti-he smile his anti-work to see?
Did anti-he who made the anti-Lamb make anti-thee?

Anti-tyger Anti-tyger burning bright,
In the anti-forests of the anti-night:
What immortal anti-hand or anti-eye,
Dare frame thy fearful anti-symmetry?

Photo by Paweł Adamczak janusze_zycia on Unsplash

J.R. Solonche

Nominated for the National Book Award, the Eric Hoffer Book Award, and
nominated three times for the Pulitzer Prize, J.R. Solonche is the author
of 38 books of poetry and coauthor of another. He lives in the Hudson