for John Cassavetes
Tippi Hedren would be more nonplussed than me,
or you—I can’t remember who is who—but she’s playing herself,
hosting Dinner and a Movie…The Birds on cable, see?
It’s the first time she’s worked in ages—who’d blame her?
A chance
like Hitchcock afforded
only comes along once, sometimes,
and who needs more than that to ruin a career?
Not established like Stewart, or typecast like Perkins or Leigh,
she can still be counted on for earnest.
But sincere is no kind of disguise;
it’s hard to know who’s on the level in this biz.
You need to understand:
everything that’s in our frame
isn’t all we’re here for.
A blood disease,
has to do with sugar,
The Soul Of This Poem Is My Blood Sugar, Or Eating In The Small Room