
echoes of Ferlinghetti

skateboards     dope and pogo sticks
banana bikes    and popsicle sticks
ten cent candy     up from five
moving groovy     catch the jive
there lived    a Ferlinghetti man
whose vision     shook the van
paper backs     for the masses
put it out    and fuck their asses
no one wants     to start hardcover
paper back    is for the lover
I was six     when it went down
his verberating     hit my town
barefoot calls     haight for down
a trip to san fran     to city lights
we trekked     on kites
hip I saw him     in his bar
hat and tails      a velvet star
lennon rims     and sitting there
with shriveled     silver greying hair
let the publick      hyper activate
in universe’s     holy fate

Photo by vackground.com on Unsplash

Julia Marie Davis

Julia Marie Davis is an American poet and novelist. Julia's work has appeared in The Dillydoun Review, New Note Poetry, Moonstone Arts Center's Nasty Women's Anthology, and TaintTaintTaint Literary Magazine where her story A Whisper in Rope was a finalist in the Baldwin Literary Award. She holds a BA in English from Boston College and an MFA in Creative Writing from Fairfield University. Her forthcoming novella, "CATBIRD," (Middle Creek Publishing & Audio) weaves a fictional narrative with Russia's invasion of Ukraine, delivering a poignant lyrical message of hope and resilience in the face of global turmoil and will be published in September, 2024.